Short Form 1
With feet together, step out to your left and cover your weapon, then drop your hands back into a horse stance:
- Step back to 6 o’ clock, into a right neutral bow whilst simultaneously delivering a rightinward block and a left back elbow strike
- Step back to 6 o’ clock, into a left neutral bow whilst simultaneously delivering a leftinward block and a right back elbow strike
- Face 9 o’ clock and deliver a right inward block as step with your right foot to 3 o’ clock,into a left neutral bow, followed by left outward block and a right back elbow strike
- Step back to 3 o’ clock into a right neutral bow as you deliver a left inward block, followby right outward block combination and a left back elbow strike
- Cover to face 3 o’ clock, into a left neutral bow and simultaneously delivering a right highinward block followed by a left upward block and right back elbow strike
- Step back to 9 o’ clock into a right neutral bow whilst simultaneously delivering a lefthigh inward block followed by a right upward block and left back elbow strike
- Face 6 o’ clock, and deliver a left inward block as step back with your left foot towards 12 o’ clock, into a right neutral bow, whilst simultaneously delivering a right outwarddownward block and left back elbow strike
- Step back to a 12 o’ clock, into a left neutral bow, whilst simultaneously delivering a rightinward downward block palm up, followed by a left downward outward block palm downand right back elbow strike
- Slide your left foot to 12 o’ clock, returning to a meditative horse stance, thus returningto point of origin.
- Repeat on opposite side
Cover your weapon, close and bow.