Long Form 1

Begin in an attention stance and then step out into a mediating horse stance: All moves should have a rear back elbow with spare arm and pivot in stance if required:

  1. Step back to 6 o’ clock, into a right neutral bow whilst simultaneously delivering a right inward block. Pivot into a right forward stance as you do a left horizontal thrust punch
  2. Step back to 6 o’ clock, into a left neutral bow whilst simultaneously delivering a left inward block. Pivot into a left forward stance as you do a right horizontal thrust punch
  3. Face 9 o’clock and deliver a right inward block as step with your right foot to 3 o’ clock, into a left neutral bow, followed by left outward. Pivot into a left forward stance as you do a right horizontal thrust punch
  4. Step back to 3 o’ clock into a right neutral bow as you deliver a left inward block, follow by right outward block combination. Pivot into a right forward stance as you do a left horizontal thrust punch
  5. Cover to face 3 o’ clock, into a left neutral bow and simultaneously delivering a right high inward block followed by a left upward block. Pivot into a left forward stance as you do a right horizontal thrust punch
  6. Step back to 9 o’ clock into a right neutral bow whilst simultaneously delivering a left high inward block followed by a right upward block. Pivot into a right forward stance as you do a left horizontal thrust punch
  7. Face 6 o’ clock, and deliver a left inward block as step back with your left foot towards 12 o’ clock, into a right neutral bow, whilst simultaneously delivering a right outward downward block. Pivot into a right forward stance as you do a right horizontal thrust punch
  8. Step back to a 12 o’ clock, into a left neutral bow, whilst simultaneously delivering a right inward downward block palm up, followed by a left downward outward block palm down. Pivot into a left forward stance as you do a right horizontal thrust punch
  9. Deliver a left/right/left inward block
  10. Step back to 12 o’ clock into a right neutral bow stance facing 6:00 and deliver a right/left/right inward block
  11. Face 9 o’ clock, and deliver left inward block as left foot towards 3 o’ clock into a right neutral bow and do right/left/right outward blocks
  12. Step back to 3 o’ clock and deliver a right inward block and do left/right/left outward block
  13. Cover to face 3 o’ clock, into a right neutral bow and simultaneously delivering a left inward block followed by right/left/right upward block.
  14. Step back to 9 o’ clock and deliver right inward elbow block followed by left/right/left up ward block
  15. Face 12 o’ clock, as right foot towards 6 o’clock in left stance as you do left/right/left downward block
  16. Step back to 6 o’ clock as you do right/left/right downward block.
  17. Step left foot into horse stance and do left/right/left inward downward blocks
  18. Follow with right/left/right reverse inward downward block
  19. Follow with left/right/left pushdown blocks
  20. Straight thrust punch to 12 o’ clock, right/left arm
  21. Straight thrust punch to 10.30 o’ clock, right arm then 1.30 o’ clock with left arm
  22. Horizontal thrust punch to 9 o’ clock, right arm then 3 o’ clock, left arm
  23. Upper cut right arm(leave it in place), left arm then draw both hands back
  24. Returning to a meditative horse stance, thus returning to point of origin

Cover your weapon, close and bow.